In a successful business, resources are utilized and leveraged to provide maximum return on resources and effort spent. By this view, it can be said then that a successful business is one that identifies available resources and manages them efficiently. Some resources are easy to identify like computer hardware, funding, and manpower while other resources are less obvious such as individual strengths, tangent skills in the workforce, production speed and attention to details. Each employee brings individual strengths and skills into the workplace, this diversity allows for unique opportunities for employer, employee and client alike. This diversity of skill amongst workers come from individual interest and personality, differing areas of study, and at times differing neurological structure.

What does “neurological structure” mean? As people grow and learn the brain grows in response to the things we experience and learn. For example, as a person learns language neurological pathways are created in the language center of the brain in order to process the growing intake of stimuli. In this way, all people have a unique neurological structure however some neurological differences occur by genetics and are present at birth. This is the functional definition of Neurodiversity.

Neurodiversity may be an unfamiliar term, defining the term via gives a standard literary definition. Neurodiversity definition, the variation and, differences in neurological structure and function that exist among human beings, especially when viewed as being normal and natural rather than pathological.

“Neurological Function” can be seen simply as things like the ability to apply math, logic, operate under stress, skills such as; organization, management, and communication also fall under this term. “Neurological Function” differs from learned skills and memorized information in that neurological functioning is the method the brain receives and responds to information. For example, one employee may excel at mathematical principles while other employees may excel in social, legal, or artistic endeavors.

Neurodiversity, as defined above, is the spectrum of all brains’ functional ability. Some brains have a low functional capability while others have a higher functional capacity. As this term covers the complete spectrum of brains there are other descriptors for specific ranges of functioning. One such descriptor for a range of functioning is labeled “Asperger’s Syndrome” which is a dated term to describe an individual with High Functioning Autism. HFA is defined as a person with autism with an I.Q. score above 70 however individuals generally associated with Asperger’s Syndrome have above average I.Q. scores.

One neurological difference in a brain that presents with autism is the presence of extra connections throughout the brain that would normally not survive early development. This gives rise to the term Neuro-Typical and Non-Neuro-Typical for those without [autism or intellectually or developmentally different] and those who do present with Autism Spectrum Disorder [ASD].

As each person is unique, I cannot speak beyond my personal experiences within the workforce, as such I will introduce myself now.

My name is Shane Womack, at the time of writing I am 43 years of age. My area of study has been drafting and design services with a focus in the telecommunications industries. Within this quarter year, I have received confirmation of an Asperger’s diagnosis. As such I have had a long work history with what has been referred to as a “hidden disability”.

So, what resources have I brought to the workforce as an expression of my neurodiversity?

As a person with Asperger’s, I am naturally prone to a few behaviors; (a few examples)

  • Deep bouts of study in things of interest and things not understood.

The result has been that I hold a wide array of knowledge in subjects I study. As an example, when public utilities run through a private lot without a granted easement or usage rights by deed or law, I become curious and look for context. I may reach out to the local jurisdiction; I may search through local ordinances; I may research the history of the property and previous owners and subdivisions. In the end, I am able to answer inquiries in-depth if client, contractor, or co-worker needs to understand or justify a redesign in planned services as well as retaining a wider understanding of land usage laws.

  • Less verbally communicative.

Utilizing my desire to understand and communicate I often find myself writing documentation and tutorials to disseminate protocol and operational information as well as tutelage for co-workers.

  • Natural creativity and “divergent-thinking”.

I enjoy creating and challenging myself, combining this with a desire to have a deep understanding provides opportunities to create tools for others’ benefit and usage. Through divergent-thinking, I see connections to tangent ideas. For example, I enjoy efficiency and I create programs to automate tasks. At times I add to applications’ menus but mostly I enjoy automating tasks, each has the goal of executing complex and time heavy tasks for users. Many of my efforts focus on bridging gaps between applications and data dissemination/organization.

There are many stereotypes linked to autism that does not hold true for most. One example is difficulty making eye contact. As with all difficulties, training can improve or eliminate most difficulties we face in life. In the same manner, practicing has improved my ability to play guitar over the years and increased my eye-hand coordination as well as dexterity.

In the study of psychology there lies a debate entitled Nature Vs Nurture in which it is argued what creates the person we are. I believe that it is both in that we are born with and grow into trials and tribulations. A mix of predisposition and urges by genetics tempered with the lessons of self-discipline and perseverance by a nurturing environment determine our response to these trials and tribulations.

As such it should be stressed that it should not be assumed that one person’s abilities are shared by a group. My personal interest has led me to devote time to interest such as quantum theory while someone else may find an interest in biology. Nor should someone assume that a person who holds deep knowledge is not neuro-typical. Which brings us back to the general point at hand.

A successful business is one that knows how to leverage the induvial strengths and talents to produce an upward trend in productivity and services and manage the available resource by knowing their individual strengths and weaknesses, each being of equal importance to production. A simple analogy is utilizing the right tool for the job at hand, which requires proper knowledge of your available equipment. When compared to a task, all tools will have different strength and abilities.